$100.00 USD

9 monthly payments

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*There are no refunds.

*By registering today, you agree to make 9 monthly payments of $100 each. 

This is your first month's payment. The remaining 8 payments will be automatically charged on this same date each month.

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Going Deeper

What you'll get:

  • Weekly teachings and practices for 9 months
  • Weekly live webinars with  Jumana
  • Access to our private Facebook group
  • Optional partner inquiry practices
  • Monthly guided inquiry practices
  • Monthly live interactive video calls with a mentors and a small group (2 hours each)

Upon submission of completed inquiry questions, receive a certificate of completion from Her Mystery School.


What People Are Saying:

It has changed my life forever. I found my power. I found my healing well. I found my creativity. I felt deeply held, even from a distance. I felt connected to something greater than myself yet found it within myself. HMS is a journey to healing, self love, discovery, and Sisterhood unlike any other Mystery School I’ve personally been a part of. I am so grateful to Jumana Sophia, all the mentors and teachers of HMS, and all the women who I’ve journeyed with these last two years. -J. Keeli Smith

What Her Mystery School has been for me is a deeply transformative process of turning inwards. The practices have taught me to tune into my inner voice and trust my intuition. I have learned to use my body as my guide and compass for what is and isn't right for me. This has been a life changing discovery for me, as I used to be someone that would silence myself or go against my own deep inner knowing in an effort to make others happy. The school has genuinely changed the way I see myself, and by doing that it has genuinely changed the way I interact with the world. I feel Her Mystery School is a guiding force to discovering the light within . It has been such a truly amazing experience. -Raven R.

It felt like I had come home after a lifetime of wandering out in the wilderness alone. A home I had forgotten, which I started to remember the more I drank in each lesson. In my 9 months of receiving all the beauty, treasures and gifts of Her Mystery School, I have revealed parts of myself that were deep in hiding for what feels like eons. I have recovered and reclaimed feminine principles and nuances that desired greater expression. I have learnt true poise, discernment and deeper grace. It has been subtle, yet so profound. The school illuminated truths and mysteries within my feminine being, and birthed very real new paradigms that I could only have dreamt about this time last year. Her Mystery School must be experienced. Language cannot define the jewels it has bequeathed. - Dani